5 Steps to Becoming a Successful Trader

Laurence TaylorBlog, Crush Pro Teams, Learn to Trade, TradingLeave a Comment

5 Steps to Becoming a Successful Trader

As a successful independent trader running a private trading group for over 15 years, I have worked with and trained many traders, some very successful and many who never quite make it. Over the years, I have learned the 5 key steps you should take if you are interested in becoming a successful trader. 5 Steps to Becoming a Successful Trader Get Around Like-Minded People Develop a Deeper Understanding Of Trading Learn to Practice Trading Effectively Use a Trading Coach: Get the Most Out of Your Training Develop Your Own Trading Plan: A Trader’s Mindset One thing is for sure, … Read More

5 Money Management Strategies for Serious Traders

Laurence TaylorCrush Pro Teams, Crush Pro Trading School, Learn to Trade, TradingLeave a Comment

5 Money Management Strategies for Serious Traders

Trading is surely a numbers game and money management is the most important component of a trading plan. It will determine how much you make, and applying the right one will make the difference between single-digit returns and making the kind of money you deserve. In this article, I’m going to introduce you to 5 money management strategies that you can start using to reach your goals. Elbow valgus and biceps work in weight training sustanon and nandrolone bodybuilding steroids hodiho “blog archive” jo’ss sings about his love of bodybuilding. 5 Money Management Strategies for Serious Traders The 2% Rule: … Read More

Welcome to Crush Pro Teams!

Laurence TaylorCrush Pro Teams, News, TradingLeave a Comment

Hello Traders! We are proud to announce the launch of Crush Pro Trading! We are a private trading group dedicated to helping you develop the trading skills to be successful. As traders ourselves, we know what it takes to be profitable, and what pitfalls there are for those who are just starting out or unable to reach their goals. Traits of a Pro Trader The skills of successful trading can be learnt, and there are many approaches one can take to making money. These are a few characteristics of pro traders that you should take seriously if you aspire to … Read More